Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Ishani Basak Bounds on Sombor index of graph operations Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications / / / 2550008 - 1793-8309

2 Jacqueline Kareem Exploring the factors of learning organization in school education: the role of leadership styles, personal commitment, and organizational culture Central European Management Journal / / / - 2658-0845

3 Jacqueline Kareem ?We wear multiple hats?: Exploratory study of role of special education teachers of public schools in India Support for Learning / 40 / 1 / 65 - 75 0268-2141

4 Jacqueline Kareem Voicing Out Parental Experiences of Schooling Their Children with Learning Disabilities: A Qualitative Study of Inclusive Government Schools of India International Journal of Educational Reform / / / 1 - 17 1056-7879

5 Prakasha G S Students? usage of Over-the-top (OTT) streaming platforms affecting their academic and socio-demographic Profile Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation / 10 / 1 / 124 - 143 2444-2925

6 Prakasha G S Lived Experiences, Challenges, and Coping Mechanisms of Undergraduate Students on Cybersecurity in Digital Environments Computers in the Schools / / / 1 - 23 0738-0569

7 Prakasha G S Teacher Trainee's Acceptance of Interactive eBooks for Teaching: An Analysis Using the Modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Computer Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ) / 25 / 2 / 109 - 129 2187-9036

8 Prakasha G S Undergraduate Students? (Ug) Motivation To Fit Looks And Its Effect On Academic Performance Mediated By Physical Exercise, Sleep Pattern, And Maladaptive Eating Journal of Physical Education / 35 / 1 / 1 - 11 2448-2555

9 Prakasha G S Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers? Perceptions of Using Virtual Reality Tools in Teaching Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3370

10 Prakasha G S Cognitive Engagement Scale (CES) in an Online Environment: Construction and Validation Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3370

11 Prakasha G S Assessing Player Interaction for a Social Networking Cooperative Educational Game Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3370

12 Prakasha G S Opportunities and challenges while conducting field trips to the museum: a narrative review International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education / 14 / 2 / 871 - 878 22528822

13 Prakasha G S Challenges and expectations of emerging student-athletes among catholic institutions: a qualitative study nternational Studies in Catholic Education / / / 1 - 20 2252-8822

14 Prakasha G S Undergraduate Students? (Ug) Motivation To Fit Looks And Its Effect On Academic Performance Mediated By Physical Exercise, Sleep Pattern, And Maladaptive Eating Journal of Physical Education / V 35 / 1 / - e3519 2448-2555

15 Prakasha G S Flipped Classroom Strategy in Online Teaching: Challenges Faced by Higher Education Teachers Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / / / - 2367-3389

16 Pramod Kumar M P M Jesuit school teachers opinions on incorporating critical consciousness into digital citizenship education International Studies in Catholic Education / / 1942-2547 / 1 - 12 1942-2547

17 Pramod Kumar M P M Instruments for measuring Digital Citizenship Competence in schools: a scoping review Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society / 20 / 2 / 9 - 18 18266223

18 Pramod Kumar M P M Critical Digital Citizenship: a scale development and validation study International Journal of Technology and Design Education / / / - 1573-1804

19 Greta D Souza Facilitating Faculty Development for Training in Multicultural Competence in Health Service Psychology Graduate Programs Through an International Collaboration International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation / 13 / 1 / 24 - 39 2157-3883

20 Jacqueline Kareem Transformational educational leaders inspire school educators? commitment Frontiers in Education / 8 / / - 2504-284X

21 Jacqueline Kareem Mathematics Self-Efficacy, Utility Value and Well-Being Among School Students in India: Mediating Role of Student Engagement Investigations in Mathematics Learning / / / - 2472-7466

22 Jacqueline Kareem Student Perceptions and Experiences in Mathematics Classrooms: A Thematic Analysis International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education / 31 / 2 / 47 - 59 2200-4270

23 Jacqueline Kareem Classroom mathematics learning: Association of joy of learning and school connectedness among high school students in India Psychology in the Schools / / / - 1520-6807

24 Prakasha G S Mentors perceived interest, motivation, and volunteering intention at DREAMS after school intervention programme Youth Voice Journal / / / 3 - 26 2056-2969

25 Prakasha G S Philanthropic and Functional Motivation of DREAMS Afterschool Intervention Programme Volunteers: A Correlational Study Asian Journal of Human Services / 26 / / 60 - 73 2188-059X

26 Prakasha G S User Experiences Of Chatgpt Among Engineering Students, Teachers, And Working Professionals In India Journal of Educators Online / 21 / 2 / 1 - 17 1547-500X

27 Prakasha G S Online cooperative learning: exploring perspectives of pre-service teachers after the pandemic International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education / 13 / 4 / 2399 - 2409 2252-8822

28 Prakasha G S Effectiveness of museum visits: attitude and learning of history International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education / 14 / 3 / 2163 - 2169 2252-8822

29 Prakasha G S Cooperative Learning Strategies: Implementation Challenges In Teacher Education PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY / 81 / 3 / 340 - 360 1822-7864

30 Prakasha G S Perceived Stress, Resilience and Hope among Special Educators Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 15 / 1 / 15 - 22 2229-4937

31 Prakasha G S Expectations Of University Lecturers And Students On Smart Learning Environments Problems of education in the 21st Century / 81 / 4 / 501 - 516 2538-7111

32 Prakasha G S Effect of Social Influence on the Saving Behaviour of freelancing undergraduate students, mediated by Financial Literacy and Self-Control Kontakt / 25 / 4 / 298 - 306 1212-4117

33 Pramod Kumar M P M Special Education Teachers Skills And Knowledge About Individualized Education Plan (Iep), India Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics (RBUJE) / / XVII / 104 - 112 0975-802X

34 Pramod Kumar M P M Reimagining Ieps Through The Social Model Of Disability Journal of the K.R. Cama Oriental Institute / / 78 / 22 - 29 0970-0609

35 Smitha Baboo A Positive Psychology Intervention to Enhance Well-being and Lower Depression: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Signature Strengths Intervention among Indian College Students Advances in Bioresearch / / / - 0976-4585

36 Smitha Baboo Scope of a Signature Strengths Intervention in Improving the Mental Health of Low-income Indian Emerging Adult Women: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / - 2543-1897

37 Smitha Baboo A Normative Study Assessing the Factorial Validity of the PERMA Profiler in Indian Emerging Adult Women Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / 167 - 174 0971-8990

38 Smitha Baboo Need of integrated care model for positive childbirth experience in Indian maternity care services Journal of Education and Health Promotion / / / - 2277-9531

39 Jacqueline Kareem Textual and Media-based Self-Learning modules: Support for achievement in Algebra and Geometry International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments / / / - 1947-8518

40 Jacqueline Kareem Influence of teacher occupational stress on self-efficacy: Evidences from the pre-and during-covid-19 periods International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE) / / / - 1947-8518

41 Jacqueline Kareem The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well-being among school students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India Psychology in the schools / / / 1 - 15 1520-6807

42 Jacqueline Kareem Organisational justice, job performance and work engagement: The mediating role of perceived supervisory support Review of Education / 11 / 1 / - 2049-6613

43 Jacqueline Kareem Transformational educational leaders inspire school educators? commitment Frontiers in Education / / / 01 - 10 2504-284X

44 Prakasha G S Factors Affecting Data-Privacy Protection and Promotion of Safe Digital Usage CEUR Workshop Proceedings / 3094 / / 49 - 58 1613-0073

45 Prakasha G S Exploring Effective Online-Teaching Transition of College Teachers During COVID-19 International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) / 12 / 1 / 1 - 18 2155-6873

46 Prakasha G S Examining University Students? Attitude towards e-Learning and Their Academic Achievement during COVID-19 International Journal of Information and Education Technology / / / - 2010-3689

47 Prakasha G S Student engagement in online learning during COVID-19 Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society / 19 / 1 / 1 - 12 1826-6223, 1971-8829

48 Prakasha G S Student engagement in online learning during COVID-19 Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society / 19 / 1 / 1 - 12 1971-8829

49 Prakasha G S Reflexivity Through Experiential Learning in Social Work Education : Implications for Signature Pedagogy Journal of Social Work Education and Practice / 7 / 4 / - 2456-2068

50 Pramod Kumar M P M Transformational educational leaders inspire school educators? commitment Frontiers in Education / / / 01 - 10 2504-284X

51 Pramod Kumar M P M Student engagement in online learning during COVID-19 Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society / 19 / 1 / 1 - 12 1971-8829

52 Smitha Baboo Pandemic induced crises in tourism and hospitality - An Indian context GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites / 44 / / 1389 - 1396 2065-1198, 2065-0817

53 Smitha Baboo Depression, Anxiety and Stress with and without Covid-19 Infection Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU / / / - 2582-4287

54 Greta D Souza Assessment of English Language Oral Production Using CALF: an Automatic Analytic Tool for Complexity, Accuracy, Lexis and Fluency.  Indian Journal of Educational Technology (IJET) / 3 / 2 / 239 - 250 2581-8325

55 Infanta Vincy R Assessment of English Language Oral Production Using CALF: an Automatic Analytic Tool for Complexity, Accuracy, Lexis and Fluency.  Indian Journal of Educational Technology (IJET) / 3 / 2 / 239 - 250 2581-8325

56 Jacqueline Kareem A Conceptual Model of Teaching Efficacy and Beliefs, Teaching Outcome Expectancy, Student Technology Use, Student Engagement, and 21st-Century Learning Attitudes: A STEM Education Study Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education / 18 / 1 / - 2633-6537

57 Jacqueline Kareem Dataset exploring Organizational Culture of K-12 schools Data in Brief / / / - 2352-3409

58 Jacqueline Kareem Role of Psychological Capacities on Thriving at Work among Services Employees Journal of Positive School Psychology / 6 / 4 / 7910 - 7924 2717-7564

59 Jose Cherian M Building Global Teaching capacity among Preservice teachers:Episteomological and positional framing in an internationally paired authentic practicum Journal of studies in International Education / 20 / / 122 - 22 1409-7524

60 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Impact of Technology Readiness and Techno Stress on Teacher Engagement in Higher Secondary Schools Digital Education Review (DER) / 40 / 40 / 51 - 65 2013-9144

61 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Clan Culture in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Emphases: Expectations Among School Teachers in India The Journal of School Administration Research and Development (JSARD) / 7 / 1 / 50 - 59 2470-850X, 2470-8496

62 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Clan Culture in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Emphases: : Expectations among school teachers in India Journal of School Administration Research and Development / / / - 2470-8496, 2470-850X

63 Prakasha G S A critical study on acetylene as an alternative fuel for transportation AIP conference proceedings / 2396 / / - 0094-243X, 1551-7616

64 Prakasha G S Is Robotics Education and Training Gender Dependent? A Suggestive Robotics Syllabus for Teacher Training International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research / 20 / 10 / 42 - 60 1694-2116

65 Prakasha G S Online Test anxiety and exam performance of international baccalaureate diploma programme students under e-proctored exams amid covid-19 Problems of Education in the 21st Century / 79 / 6 / 942 - 955 1822-7864

66 Prakasha G S Mental Health of Grade 12 Students amid COVID-19: A Mixed Method Study Pamukkale University Journal of Education / Nil / SS / 1 - 23 1301-0085

67 Prakasha G S DREAMS After-School Programme for the Holistic Development of Children Amid Covid-19 International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments / 12 / 1 / 1 - 14 1947-8518

68 Prakasha G S Energy Saving, Waste Management, and Pollution Free Steps for University Campuses AIP conference Proceedings / / / - 1551-7616

69 Prakasha G S Factors Affecting Data-Privacy Protection and Promotion of Safe Digital Usage CEUR Workshop Proceedings / 3094 / / - 1613 0073

70 Prakasha G S Social Media Disengagement Among Gen Y and Gen Z: a Quantitative Investigation Media Literacy and Academic Research / 5 / 1 / 230 - 252 2585-8726

71 Jacqueline Kareem Creating inclusive spaces in virtual classroom sessions during the COVID pandemic: An exploratory study of primary class teachers in India International Journal of Educational Research Open / 2 / 2 / - 2666-3740

72 Jacqueline Kareem Development and validation of work environment services scale (WESS) Central European Management Journal / / / - 2658-0845, 2658-2430

73 Jacqueline Kareem Mediating role of Teacher confidence between Support system and Satisfaction International Journal of Management in Education / / 1750-3868 / - 1750-3868, 1750-385X

74 Jacqueline Kareem A Causal model of Support system and Teacher confidence on Teacher Satisfaction in Online teaching International Journal of Management In education / / / - 1750-3868

75 Kennedy Andrew Thomas The Organizational Pedestal of Quality of Care climate in Health care excellence, Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen / 160 / 8 / 34 - 38 1865-9217

76 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Revitalizing Education through Problem based Learning Practices Shanlax International Journal of Education / 9 / 1 / 109 - 117 2320-2653, 2582-1334

77 Prakasha G S Construction and Validation of Next-Generation Teacher Educator Competency Scale [NGTECS] Universal Journal of Educational Research / 8 / 8 / 3585 - 3591 2332-3205

78 Prakasha G S Examining Learner Agency in Online Teaching Universal Journal of Educational Research / 8 / 12 / 6509 - 6516 2332-3205

79 Prakasha G S Student alienation and perceived organisational culture: A correlational study International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education / 9 / 2 / 101 - 110 2620-5440

80 Pramod Kumar M P M Nurturing a Better Future for Best Schooling Practices: A Review Portraying the Alternative Schooling, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Universal Journal of Educational Research / 8(6) / 6 / 2289 - 2295 2332-3213

81 Pramod Kumar M P M The Factors Impacting Parental Choice in Picking Non-public Schools for Their Children Education and Urban Society / 53 / 7 / 761 - 777 0013-1245

82 Smitha Baboo Service-Learning in Indian Higher Education: Experiences of Adaptation to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Service Learning in Higher Education / 11 / 2 / 1 - 24 2162-6685

83 Greta D Souza Classroom Discipline in the New Era of School Education Psycho-linguistics Association of India / 49 / 2 / 199 - 203 0377-3132

84 Greta D Souza Culturally Competent Teachers: The Need of the Hour! Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal / 1 / 56 / 56 - 59 2349-638X

85 Greta D Souza Need of Social Intelligence for Future Teachers Journal of the Gujarat Research Society / 21 / 3 / 261 - 265 0374-8588

86 Jacqueline Kareem Educational Leadership Styles Scale(Elss): Construction, Validation And Reliability Analysis The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior / XVIII / 4 / 50 - 67 0972-687X

87 Kennedy Andrew Thomas The Mediating Influence of leadership Behaviour on the relationship between Organizational health and work Engagement Universal Journal of Educational Research / 8 / 3 / 1062 - 1069 2332-3205, 2332-3213

88 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Kuriakose Elias Chavara in The Formation of Human Capital and Its Impact On Indian Society Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies / 44 / 4 / 471 - 486 0253-7222

89 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Review on the Perceptions and Motivating Factors on the Choice of a Medical Career among School Students a Medical Career amongst School Students?. EC Humanities and Social Sciences 2.1 (2020): 01-04. Ecronicon Open Access / 01 / 04 / 01 - 04 -

90 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Moderating effect of social media usage on technology barriers to technology adoption by teachers International Journal of Advanced Technology / 29 / 03 / 5504 - 5512 2005-4238

91 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Volatility of Digital Technology Enabled Learning through Social Media: Educators‟ Apprehensions Test Engineering and Management / 82 / January- February / 5832 - 5839 0193-4120

92 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Relationship between leadership support and operational excellence in health care sector: A study of Indian health care managers Journal of Healthcare Quality Research / 35 / 2 / 117 - 122 2603-6479

93 Prakasha G S Organisational ethos and Research culture in Higher education International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) / 6 / 2 / 858 - 861 2348-1269, 2349-5138

94 Prakasha G S Perceptions of Preservice Teachers Towards Inclusion of Indigenous- Knowledge in the Curriculum Think India Journal / 22 / 06 / 66 - 69 0971-1260

95 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Saint Chavara- The Herald of Modern Catholic Education Vinayasadhana / ix / 2 / 14 - 34

96 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Multilinguism in English Language Teaching: Perceptions of Students and Teachers of Bengaluru on Regional Languages in ELT IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 Issue / 12 / 314 - 325 2321-7065

97 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Medical Education- Medical aptitude and its assessment The National Medical Journal of India / 31 / 6 / 356 - 363 0970-258X

98 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Development and Validation of Perceived Social Expectations Scale towards Medical Profession (PSESMP) Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) / 5 / 8 / 25 - 34 2349-5162

99 Pramod Kumar M P M Biological-Science Inquiry Model of Teaching: An effective approach in Enhancing Scientific Creativity and Scientific Process Skills among Students International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / / Special Issue / 93 - 96 2349-5138

100 Smitha Baboo Perceived discrimination and the challenges faced by women of north east India in Bengaluru Pramana Journal / 9 / 3 / 393 - 404 2249-2976

101 Smitha Baboo Videogame analyses of active players and passive observers with reference to the educational, cognitive and social factors Indian Journal of Human Relations / 52 / 2 / 100 - 107 0974-1089

102 Smitha Baboo Development and validation of an assessment tool on selfitis Indian journal of human relations / 52 / 2 / 140 - 150 0974-1089

103 Smitha Baboo Development and Validation of an Assessment Tool on Selfitis Indian Journal of Human Relations, Peer Reviewed International Journal / 52 / 2 / 140 - 150 0974-1089

104 Sumita Rao K Developing ICT Competence among Secondary School Teachers through Article Writing in Wikipedia International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / / Special Issue / 203 - 205 2349-5138

105 Carline Mary Desdemona A Proximal Relationship between Financial Access and completed Educational level in India International Journal of Management studies / 5 / 2 / - 2249-0302

106 Carline Mary Desdemona A Relevance for Demographic Factor:Level of financial Literacy SCMS journal of Indian Management / XV / 1 / 68 - 77 0973-3167

107 Jacqueline Kareem A Pilot Study On Group Test of Intelligence CONFLUX Journal of Education / 5 / 2 / 32 - 40 2347-5706

108 Jose Cherian M A study to evaluate the learning outcome of students using traditional and blended methods in Chemistry Journal of Advanced Research in English and Education / 2 / 1 / 7 - 9 2456-4370

109 Jose Cherian M The scope of Integration of Web2.0Tools in a Social Science Classroom. Journal of Advanced Research in English and Education / 3 / 2 / 35 - 38 2486-4370

110 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Management Of Work Engagement In Teachers of Bangalore: Role Of Psychological Well-Being SELP Journal of social Science / VIII / 34 / 2349 - 1655 0975-9999

111 Prakasha G S Whole brain Teaching IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science / 22 / 6 / 76 - 83 2279-0845

112 Prakasha G S School Management and Teachers Perspective on Learning Management System IOSR / 22 / 12 / 23 - 27 2279-0837

113 Prakasha G S Research Competence of University Faculty Members in Relation to Organisational Ethos IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 22 / 12 / 78 - 81 2279-0837, 2279-0845

114 Prakasha G S Application of Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) in Teaching and Learning of Secondary School Science subjects IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 22 / 12 / 24 - 26 2279-0837, 2279-0845

115 Pramod Kumar M P M Effectiveness of Instructional Technology on Learning and Persistence among College Students Conflux Journal of Education / 5 / 10 / 13 - 16 2320-9305

116 Smitha Baboo Playing and Watching Videogames - Impact on the Problem Solving and Pro Social Behaviour of Middle School Students Research journal of philosophy and social sciences / 43 / 2 / 106 - 114 0048-7325

117 Smitha Baboo Understanding the role of selfie taking behaviour in personality deviation among young adults Contemporary Research in India / 8 / 1(II) / 64 - 68 2231-2137

118 Sumita Rao K Identifying Elements of the Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers in the Bhagavad Gita: A Hermeneutic Study European Journal of Education Studies / 3 / 7 / 716 - 730 2501-1111

119 Sumita Rao K Effectiveness of English Multimedia Assisted Instructional package in Enhancing Achievement in English among Standard IX students in relation to their interest in learning Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 17 / 1 / 23 - 35 0975-329x

120 Sumita Rao K Occupational Stress of Secondary School Teachers Working in Selected Schools of Bengaluru City Conflux Journal of Education / 5 / 9 / 6 - 13 2320-9305

121 Jacqueline Kareem 21 Century Skills For Higher Education Learners Research Tracks: Journal of Education / 1 / 1 / 50 - 52 2347-4637

122 Jacqueline Kareem Factors Influencing ICT adoption by Faculty in the Teaching Learning Process Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 45 - 62 0975-329X

123 Jose Cherian M A study of the Motivation of students towards learning science in South Bangalore Schools Journal of Advanced Research in English and Education / 1 / 1&2-2016 / 2 - 4

124 Kennedy Andrew Thomas The Impact of Organizational Socialization skills of principals on the Actualization of Chavara vision in CMC schools?, Anveshana?s International Journal Of Research In Education, Literature, Psychology And Library Scien / I / 2 / 66 - 71 2456-3897

125 Kennedy Andrew Thomas An Analysis of Factors That Negatively Affect College Students With Regard To Their Sexual and Reproductive Health in Teacher Training Colleges in Zimbabwe Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities / 3 / 9 / 195 - 215 2278-859X

126 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Transfer of Core Values of Christ University to its Students New Frontiers in Education / 49 / 4 / 23 - 30 0972-1231

127 Parasurama D Enhancing Academic Achievement of Students Through Constructivist Teaching (CT) and Technology Based Constructivist Teaching(TBCT) International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJPER) / 5 / 4 / 65 - 68 2349-0853

128 Prakasha G S Uses of Mobile Apps in Teaching and Learning IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 22 / 12 / 38 - 40 2279-0837, 2279-0845

129 Pramod Kumar M P M The Role of Teachers in Improving and Implementing Life Skills Education Indian Streams Research Journal / 6 / 11 / 1 - 6 2230-7850

130 Pramod Kumar M P M Effect of personal and demographic variables on Occupational stress among teacher educators. International Journal of Education and Psychological research. / 6 / 1 / 12 - 17 2349-0853

131 Smitha Baboo Impact Of Playing And Watching Videogames On Classroom Attention, Problem Solving And Prosocial Behaviour Of School Children IDC International Journal / 4 / 3 / 27 - 30 2395-3357

132 Srikanta Swamy S Enhancing Academic Achievement of Students Through Constructivist Teaching (CT) and Technology Based Constructivist Teaching(TBCT) International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJPER) / 5 / 4 / 65 - 68 2349-0853

133 Sumita Rao K Opinion of Secondary School Teachers towards In-Service Programmes Opinion of Secondary School Teachers towards In-Service Programmes Elixir International Journal / 3 / 1 / 1 - 3 2220-712x

134 Sumita Rao K Impact pf Media Violence on the Younger Generation International Journal of Educational and Psychological Research / 6 / 1 / 41 - 44 2349-0853

135 Jacqueline Kareem Attitude of Public towards Higher Education: Conceptual Analysis Scholedge International Journal Of Multidisciplinary & Allied Studies / 02 / 12 / 19 - 28 2394-336X

136 Jacqueline Kareem The influence of Leadership in Building a Learning Organization The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior / XV / 1 / 7 - 18 0972-687X

137 Jose Cherian M The Impact of Multimedia in the Development of Problem solving skills among secondary School students Academic Research in Science,Engineering ,Art and Management / 3 / 01 / 24 - 33 2349-2899

138 Kennedy Andrew Thomas The Impact of Organizational Socialization Skills of Principals on The Actualization Of Chavara Educational Vision In CMC Schools Anveshana's International Journal Of Research In Education, Literature, Psychology And Library Scien / 1 / 2 / 6671 - 6671 2456-3897

139 Kennedy Andrew Thomas A Study OnAccountability And Perceived Autonomy Support Among Pre-University College Teachers. A nveshana?s International Journal Of Research In Education, Literature,Psychology And Libary Sciences / 2 / 1 / 12 - 20 2456-3897

140 Kennedy Andrew Thomas An Evaluation Of Parental Involvement In Ecd Programme: A Case Study Of Primary Schools In Kuwadzana Suburb In Zimbabwe. Global journal of advanced research / 2 / 10 / 1545 - 1556 2394-5788

141 Prakasha G S Social Competence for Next Generation Secondary School Students IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) / 6 / 1 / 47 - 52 2320-737X

142 Jacqueline Kareem Effectiveness of activity based progam in enhancing fine motor skills of children with dyspraxia Scholedge International Journal of Multidisciplinary & Allied Studies / 2 / 5 / 76 - 84 2394-336X

143 Jose Cherian M Operational Plan on Teaching-Learning at Departmental level journal of Education and Social Policy / 1 / 2 / 77 - 79 2375-0782

144 Prakasha G S Operational Plan on Teaching-Learning at Departmental Level Journal of Education and Social Policy / 1 / 2 / 77 - 79 2375-0790

145 Prakasha G S Construction and Validation of Scientific Attitude Scale Indian Steams Research Journal / 5 / 6 / 1 - 3 2230-7850

146 Prakasha G S Neuroplasticity as A Motivating Factor in Enhancing the Academic Commitment of Trainee Teachers in Teacher Training Programmes Golden Research Thoughts / 5 / 2 / 1 - 4 2231-5063

147 Prakasha G S Influence of Parents on choosing the 11th standard subjects of study for their children Indian streams research Journal / V / X / 1 - 6 2230-7850

148 Jacqueline Kareem A Study on the Self-Concept of Teachers Working in Government, Aided and Unaided Colleges in Bangalore The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior / XIII / 1 / 61 - 70 0972-687X

149 Jacqueline Kareem Construction of Teachers' Personal Commitment Scale: Validity and Reliability Analysis Indian Streams Research Journal / III / XII / 1 - 6 2230-7850

150 Jose Cherian M Job Involvement of secondary school teachers in relation to Organizational Culture of schools Golden Research Thoughts / 3 / 3 / 23 - 25 2231-5063

151 Jose Cherian M Developing Critical Thinking Skills among Secondary School students: Need of the hour Golden Research Thoughts / III / II / 1 - 3 2231-5063

152 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Transformational Leadership and Influence on Occupational Commitment in Indian Hospitals International Journal of Research in International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management / 2 / 11 / 6 - 12 0976-2183

153 Smitha Baboo Humanizing ProsocialBehaviour through Video games- An Overview Edu World / 2 / 1 / 215 - 219 2319-7129

154 Greta D Souza Enhancing Self Learning through Effective Design of Self Instructional Materials Quality Enhancement in Distance Education for Life Long Learning / / / 132 - 134 978-81-908078-7-6

155 Greta D Souza Programme Effectiveness of Adolescence Education on Teacher Trainees and its transaction on Adolescents Indian Streams Research Journal / 3 / 3 / 25 - 31 2230-7850

156 Jacqueline Kareem English Grammar Diagnostic: An Experimental Study Golden Research Thoughts / 2 / 2 / 2 - 6 2231-5063

157 Jacqueline Kareem 21st Century Teacher Educator Golden Research Thoughts / 2 / 11 / 40 - 45 2231-5063

158 Jose Cherian M Job Involvement of Degree College teachers in relation to their Work Ethics Golden Research Thoughts / 1 / IX/March2012 / 1 - 4 2231-5063

159 Prakasha G S Review of related literature on teacher effectiveness National Journal / 1 / 1 / - 2249-555X

160 Prakasha G S Review of related literature on Job satisfaction National Journal / 1 / 2 / - 2249-555X

161 Prakasha G S Peoples Perspective On Government Vs Private School Indian Streams Research Journal / 4 / 12 / 1 - 2 2230-7850

162 Greta D Souza ICT usage in Secondary Schools Indian Streams Research Journal / 2 / I / 26 - 30 2230-7850

163 Jacqueline Kareem Science Education: Enhancing Learning Through Self Learning Materials Golden Research Thoughts / 1 / 8 / 25 - 28 2231-5063

164 Jacqueline Kareem ICT usage in secondary schools Indian Streams Research Journal / 2 / 1 / 42 - 50 2230-7850

165 Jacqueline Kareem ICT usage in Secondary Schools Indian Streams Research Journal / 2 / I / 26 - 30 2230-7850

166 Prakasha G S "A Study on Teacher Effectiveness in relation to job satisfaction of teacher educators" National Journal / 1 / 4 / - 2249-1481

167 Prakasha G S "Construction of Professional Ethics Scale" National Journal / 1 / 6 / - 2031-5063

168 Prakasha G S A comparative Study on - perception of the use of ICT in school learning and teaching- by 10th standard student's of SSLC and ICSE board Indian Journal of Research-Paripex / 1 / 2 / - 2250-1991

169 Prakasha G S Facebook as a socializing agent and its impact on academic achievement of an individual Golden Research Thought / 2 / 9 / 1 - 3 2231-5063

170 Prakasha G S Professional Ethics of Teachers in Educational Institutions Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 11 / 4 / 25 - 32 0975-329X

171 Smitha Baboo The Effect of Psycho Social on the Performance of Working Women Indian Psychological Review / 78 / 1 / 35 - 40 0019-6215

172 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Influence of Educational Status on Occupational Stress among Software Employees Erudition, The Albertian Journal of Management, / 4 / 2 / 7 - 12 0973-7839

173 Prakasha G S Plagiarism Check as a measure to sustain the Quality of publications by Academicians Golden Research Thoughts / 3 / 11 / 1 - 3 2231-5063

174 Kennedy Andrew Thomas Development of a life skills program for educationalists using experiential methodologies The International Journal of School Disaffection, / 4 / 2 / 22 - 27 1478-8497

175 Kennedy Andrew Thomas The Business of Education and Ethical Quest Journal of Dharma / 29 / 4 / 421 - 435 0253-7222


Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 JACQUELINE KAREEM,VALARMATHI B,VEERTA TANTIA,KISHORE SELVA BABU,PATRICK JUDE L Reference book Enhancing Curricula with Service Learning Models Enhancing curricula with service learning models 979-8-3693-5933-4 2024
2 PRAKASHA G S,SEBASTIAN MATHAI ,MADHULIKA BHATIA, MUHAMMAD TAHIR MUSHTAQ Reference book Enhancing Education With Intelligent Systems and Data-Driven Instruction Gamification in teacher education: Teacher educators and trainee teachers' perspectives in India 979-836932170-6 2024
3 PRAKASHA G S,MARIA LAPINA,DEEPANRAJ BALAKRISHNAN,MOHAMMAD SAJID Reference book Digital Technologies in Modeling and Management: Insights in Education and Industry 9781668495766 2024
4 JACQUELINE KAREEM,HELI SHUKLA,PROF NARAYANASWAMY M,DR NANDHINI N Reference book Quality indicators of Teacher Education A Correlational study of Minimalism and Life satisfaction among adults 978-81-969999-3-3 2024
5 PRAKASHA G S,MARIA LAPINA, DEEPANRAJ BALAKRISHNAN,MOHAMMAD SAJID Reference book Digital Technologies in Modeling and Management: Insights in Education and Industry Preface 9781668495766 2024
6 PRAKASHA G S,MARIA LAPINA,DEEPANRAJ BALAKRISHNAN,MOHAMMAD SAJID Reference book Educational Perspectives on Digital Technologies in Modeling and Management 9798369323144| 2024
7 PRAKASHA G S,MARIA LAPINA,DEEPANRAJ BALAKRISHNAN,MOHAMMAD SAJID Text book Educational Perspectives on Digital Technologies in Modeling and Management Preface 9798369323144 2024
8 GRETA D SOUZA,DR. RANAPRATHAP REDDY & N VENKATESH KUMAR Conference Proceedings Economic Prosperity and Sustainable Development Goals The role of entrepreneurship education programme on intention and self-efficacy of community college students 978-93-92993-43-5 2024
9 GRETA D SOUZA Conference Proceedings Computational Science and its Applications Systematic literature review of entrepreneurship education through use of ICT enabled experiential learning 978-81-952814-6-6 2023
10 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book Teacher Education An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World 9781032181769 2023
11 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book Teacher Education: An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World Assessments in Teaching Internship 9781003253242 2023
12 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book Teacher Education: An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World Guidelines to Carry out Teaching Internship 9781003253242 2023
13 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book Teacher Education: An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World Introduction To Teaching Internship: An Analytical Approach 9781003253242 2023
14 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book Teacher Education: An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World Research Insights on Teacher Education 9781003253242 2023
15 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book Teacher Education: An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World Sample Templates for Organizing Teaching Internship 9781003253242 2023
16 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book Teacher Education: An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World Teaching Internship in India 9781003253242 2023
17 PRAKASHA G S,ANTHONY KENNETH Reference book An Analytical Approach to Internship Practices Around the World Teaching Internship - The Way Forward 9781003253242 2023
18 GRETA D SOUZA Conference Proceedings Innovations in Commerce, Management, Technology and Information Science Innovations in Curriculum for Entrepreneurial Development of Vocational Education for College Students 978-93-5906-133-7 2023
19 GRETA D SOUZA,DR. CHARLES LASARDO Conference Proceedings Innovation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Institutions in the Context of National Education Policy NEP 2020 Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies in Vocational Education College Students 978-93-5891-596-9 2023
20 PRAKASHA G S,A.M. SARAVANAN,ANNA JESIL,MOHAMED GHOUSE MOHIUDDIN,GANESH PATIL,M. ACHUTHAN,N SENTHIL KUMAR AND B DEEPANRAJ Conference Proceedings Iset International Conference On Applied Science & Engineering (Case 2021) Studies on design and simulation of di-methyl ether plant of 160 TPD capacity 978-0-7354-4334-1 2023
21 PRAKASHA G S,SARAVANAN A. M.,GHITHA AL MAMARI,GANESH PATIL,ACHUTHAN M.,DHANALAKSHMI V.,N SENTHIL KUMAR AND B DEEPANRAJ Conference Proceedings Iset International Conference On Applied Science & Engineering (Case 2021) Experimental scrutinization on production of biogas from vegetable and animal waste 978-0-7354-4334-1 2023
22 JACQUELINE KAREEM,HAROLD ANDREW PATRICK,UJJAL MUKERJEE,NAPOLEON PRABHAKARAN,PRABHAT PANKAJ,LOKESH VIJAYAVARGY,PRERNA JAIN Reference book Netritva 4.0 : Leadership in the era of Connection and Collaboration Recreational facilities at the workplace affect employee well-being through nurturing support and bonding 978-93-5640-279-9 2023
23 PRAKASHA G S,PETER M V,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,OTHERS Reference book Handbook of Research on Teacher and Student Perspectives on the Digital Turn in Education Covid-19 and school management 978-166844447-4, 978-166844446-7 2022
24 PRAKASHA G S,TENZIN LHAWANG Reference book Handbook of Research on Digital-Based Assessment and Innovative Practices in Education Digital Assessment Practices in Indian Higher Education 9781668424681 2022
25 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,THOMAS C MATHEW ,JOSEPH CHACKO CHENNATTUSERRY Text book A Textbook on Democracy and Ethics 978-81-955810-8-5 2022
26 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,THOMAS C MATHEW ,JOSEPH CHACKO CHENNATTUSERRY Text book A Textbook on Democracy and Economy ISBN 978-81-955810-2-3 2022
27 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,THOMAS C MATHEW ,JOSEPH CHACKO CHENNATTUSERRY Text book A Textbook on Democracy and Media 978-81-955810-7-8 2022
28 PRAKASHA G S (905) Reference book Handbook of Research on Promoting Global Citizenship Education Next-Generation Teacher Competencies: Competency Balance Scorecard, Competency Development Cycle and Strategies 9781799895428 2022
29 PRAKASHA G S (905) Reference book Handbook of Research on Active learning and Student engagement in Higher education Active learning and student engagement in Indian Teacher Education 9781799895640 2022
30 SMITHA BABOO,YOGESH KANNA S,CATHLYN NIRANJANA BENNETT,CAROL ANN Reference book Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning (2 Volumes) A Systematic Review on the Neuro-Cognitive Correlates of Game-Based Learning in Higher Education Learning Environments 9781799872719 2022
31 SMITHA BABOO Text book Impact of Covid 19 on Economy,Business, Education and Social Life 978-93-91413-12-5 2022
32 JACQUELINE KAREEM,HAROLD ANDREW PATRICK,SUNIL KUMAR RAMDAS,MUHAMMAD MOHIUDDIN,TAUFIQ CHOUDHRY Text book Leadership in a Changing World - A Multidimensional Perspective Positive Leadership Experiences of Software Professionals in Information Technology Organisations 978-1-80355-130-2 2022
33 JACQUELINE KAREEM,HAROLD PATRICK,UJJAL M,NEPOLEAN P,VITALA RAO,SUPRIYO GHOSE,AMBIKA PRASAD,POOJA GUPTA Conference Proceedings Building sustainable business in Phygital world Leadership strategies and power bases that empower in the Phygital context: A quantitative study in Indian IT organisations 978-93-56402-57-7 2022
34 SMITHA BABOO,DR.BHAWNA AND DR.BHAVANA Conference Proceedings Maternal Mental Health Scope of Implementing Guidelines for Midwifery Services to achieve Positive Childbirth Experience - A Qualitative Enquiry 9789390672882 2021
35 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,SIDDARTHA BHATTACHARYYA Reference book Neuro-Systemic Applications in Learning 978-3-030-72400-9;Hard978-3-030-72399-6 2021
36 JACQUELINE KAREEM,PRIYANA GEORGE Conference Proceedings Research Paradigms for Sustainable Development in Education A study on the relationship of spiritual intelligence and self-efficacy among school teachers in the Delhi/NCR region 978-81-945280-4-3 2021
37 JACQUELINE KAREEM,BASEERA KHANUM,BHUMIKA GUPTA Conference Proceedings Research Paradigms for Sustainable Development in Education Effectiveness of activity-based learning in the achievement in mathematics 978-81-945280-4-3 2021
38 JACQUELINE KAREEM,R SHERLY REBEKA Conference Proceedings Research Paradigms for Sustainable Development in Education Influence of anxiety and attitude towards learning on achievement in mathematics 978-81-945280-4-3 2021
39 PRAKASHA G S,SAHANI CHATTERJEE,JACQUELINE KAREEM Conference Proceedings Research Paradigms for Sustainable development in Education Visual teaching strategy in developing critical thinking 978-81-945280-4-3 2020
40 JACQUELINE KAREEM,PREETHI C,MALAIKA FERNANDES,NITHIN MATHEW Conference Proceedings Research Paradigms for Sustainable Development in Education Research Paradigms for Sustainable Development in Education 978-81-945280-4-3 2020
41 SUMITA RAO K Conference Proceedings Education on Digital Culture and Social Media Blog Writing as a Reflective and Pedagogical Tool in Teacher Training Institutions 978-0359-89506-9 2019
42 SUMITA RAO K,JOSE CHERIAN M,DR S. SAILEELA Conference Proceedings Education on Digital Culture and Social Media Design and Try out of Multimedia Instructional Package in developing Analytical skills among Secondary School Students 978-0-359-89506-9 2019
43 PRAMOD KUMAR M P M,SRILAKSHMI R,S KALIVANI Conference Proceedings Education on Digital Culture and Social Media Digitization in Education: Learning conditions, Roles and Obligations of Educators and Students 9780359895069 2019
44 JOSE CHERIAN M Reference book Fostering Higher Education:Half a century in service Internationalisation of Teacher Education Through Collaborative Projects 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
45 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY P,JOSEPH C C Reference book Fostering Higher Education - Half a Century in Service Fostering Higher Education - Half a Century in Service 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
46 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,THERESA NITHILA VINCENT Reference book Fostering Higher Education - Half a Century in Service University Education in India Catalytic Role of faculty Development Programmes in Institutional Growth and transformation 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
47 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY P,JOSEPH C C Text book Fostering Higher Education - Half a Century in Service University Education in India: Present realities and future challenges -a critical perspective 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
48 PRAKASHA G S Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the National Seminar on Innovative Educational Research in Teaching & Learning Fishbowl Discussion strategy in Teacher training internship 978-93-86659-24-8 2019
49 PRAMOD KUMAR M P M,IREN JOHN,PROF. C. MADHUMATHI Conference Proceedings Quality teacher education vis-a-vis School education Inquiry based learning Instructional strategies in a secondary level social science classroom 978-93-87896-07-9 2019
50 SUMITA RAO K Conference Proceedings Quality Teacher Education vis-a-vis School Education Internationalization of Teacher Education:Creating Globally Competent Teachers 9789387896078 2019
51 GRETA D SOUZA,ARUNA P,EDITORIAL BOARD Conference Proceedings Quality Teacher Education vis-a-vis School Education Training in Listening and Reading Skills through Digital Technology to Enhance Receptive Skills among High School Students - Case Study Approach 978-93-87895-07-9 2019
52 GRETA D SOUZA,BRIGIT JOSE,EDITORIAL BOARD Conference Proceedings Changing Dimensions of Creative Expressions in Performing Arts The Effectiveness of Varying Forms of Dance Training on Development of Self Concept among Adolescents 2018
53 SUMITA RAO K,REBEKAH JOHN,K. VIJAYARANI & S AMUTHA Conference Proceedings Educational Technology for Inclusive Classrooms Developing Social Competence among children with special needs through Assistive Technologies 978-93-87360-11-2 2018
54 GRETA D SOUZA,ARUNA P,DHARANI PRIYA,PRAVEEN RAJESH D'SOUZA,EDITORIAL BOARD Conference Proceedings Performance Assessment in Education: Towards Quality and Excellence A Study on the Possibility of Finnish Assessment in Indian Education 2018
55 SUMITA RAO K,JASNEET KAUR SETHI,S INDIRA Conference Proceedings Innovative Strategies to Enhance the quality of Teacher Education in Digital Era Recent Trends in Teacher Education Through ICT Intervention 789350-015704 2018
56 JOSE CHERIAN M,BANU PRAKASHA A,ARCHANA K,NALINI CHIDAMBARAM Conference Proceedings ICPBS-17 Teacher Effectiveness of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Occupational Stress and Morale ISBN:9788192958040 2017
57 GRETA D SOUZA,SHUBRA ARORA AND DEEPANSHU SHOKEEN,N R PARASURAMAN AND B VENKATRAJA Conference Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends RTE Functioning: The Wrong Way to the Right Path ISBN:978-93-83302-26-0 2017
58 GRETA D SOUZA,M DHARANI PRIYA,LORDINE NUOVO PUBLICATIONS Conference Proceedings English Language, Literature and Linguistics The Use of ICT in an English Classroom 978-93-86782-13-7 2017
59 JOSE CHERIAN M,SUMITA RAO K,PURNIMA & HASEEN TAJ Conference Proceedings Teacher Education in the new Millenium A Model of Critical Thinking for Secondary School Students 978-81-7024-933-7 2017
61 PRAMOD KUMAR M P M Conference Proceedings Education and Social science Creating Effective Environment for Inclusive Education: Challenges and constraints. 978-1-926488-59-2 2017
62 JACQUELINE KAREEM,RESHMI IYER,PURNIMA. K AND HASEEN TAJ Reference book Teacher Education in the New Millennium Research Culture - The need of the Hour 9788170249337 2017
63 JACQUELINE KAREEM,RESHMI IYER,MANJULA P RAO Conference Proceedings Prospects Practices & Trends in Adolescence Education Alcohol Use and healthy habits of Adolescents in the city of bangalore: An emperical study 2017
64 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS Text book Catholic Higher Education: Rethinking Purpose and Context Catholic Higher Education: For perfection and transformation 978-93-82305-94-1 2016
65 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,NONE Text book Catholic Higher Education in India: Rethinking Purpose and Context Transfer of The Core Values of Christ University to Its Students 978-93-82305-94-1 2016
66 KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,MINU MARY MATHEW,NONE Text book Catholic Higher Education in India: Rethinking Purpose and Context Expectations of Catholic Medical Colleges from Prospective Medical Aspirants 978-93-82305-94-1 2016
67 GRETA D SOUZA,KRIPA,EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Conference Proceedings Catholic Higher Education in India: Rethinking Purpose and Context Catholic Identity in Curricular Transactions 978-93-82305-94-1 2016
68 GRETA D SOUZA,K SREEDEVI RAJA,DR. N. R. PARASURAMAN, DR B VENKATRAJA Conference Proceedings Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development A comparative study of India and Finland- Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities 978-93-83302-18-5 2016
69 GRETA D SOUZA,JYOTHI S,N R PARASURAMAN,B VENKATRAJA Conference Proceedings Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Effectiveness of Environmental Awareness Programme among Grade Nine Students in Bengaluru 978-93-83302-18-5 2016
70 JACQUELINE KAREEM,PRO.T MRUNALINI Text book Teacher Education Curriculum: Reflective Practices Developing Teacher Competency in Student Teachers: A Case study 978-93-84845-24-7 2016
71 JACQUELINE KAREEM,MRITULA.C Text book Teacher Education Curriculum: Reflective Practices Multi-Phased Internships to Amp up the Two year B.Ed. Programme 978-93-84845-24-7 2016
72 JACQUELINE KAREEM,RUPA SARKAR Text book Effective Use of ICT for Effective Teaching and Learning Digital Storytelling: An emerging ICT tool for Teaching and Learning 978-93-84845-16-2 2016
73 JACQUELINE KAREEM,RUPA SARKAR Reference book Transition towards Sustainable Development The Indian Crusade towards Attaining sustainable development 978-93-85629-15-0 2016
74 GRETA D' SOUZA Conference Proceedings Prospects Practices and Trends in Adolescence Education Effectiveness of adolescence Education Programme in relation to Stress and Meaning in Life among Adolescents 2016
75 GRETA D SOUZA,RUPA.SARKAR,EDITORIAL BOARD, ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE Conference Proceedings Community Mental Health: Trends and Challenges An Interview Based Study on the Attitudes and Challenges faced by members of families due to the presence of a member having special needs within the family 2015
76 SUMITA RAO K Conference Proceedings Standards and Benchmarks for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Research Examining Critical Thinking among Secondary School Students 978-81-931058-6 2015
77 PRAKASHA G S Text book Socio-economic Factors Influencing - Environmental Pollution, Biodiversity & Sustainable Development Education as a means to create awareness on Environmental Pollution, Bio diversity and Sustainable Development 978-93-84659-06-6 2015
78 PRAKASHA G S Text book Attention Deficit behaviour due to media through Handwriting analysis 978-3-659-77155-2 2015
79 GRETA D SOUZA,RUPA.SARKAR,EDITORIAL BOARD Conference Proceedings Quality Initiatives and Benchmarking in Higher Education Institutions Critical importance of Benchmarking and TQMS for enhancing the standard of Higher Education Institutions 2015
80 GRETA D SOUZA,RUPA.SARKAR,EDITORIAL TEAM Conference Proceedings A Vision for Higher Education - 2030 Career Maturity Intervention for Adolescents Indispensable in the Future 978-93-5202-881-8 2015
81 SUMITA RAO K Reference book Teacher Education: Meeting the Needs of the New Generation Principles and strategies of bringing Constructivism into classrooms. 978-81-923963-16 2015
82 GRETA D SOUZA,JACQUELINE KAREEM,SAMSON R VICTOR,EDITORIAL TEAM Conference Proceedings Research in Education for Sustainable Development Leadership Styles and Learning Organization for Sustainable Development 2015
83 PRAKASHA G S Reference book BLOCHE-2014 Smart phone as a medium of Blended learning in Teacher Education 978-93-82570-45-5, Vol 1 2014
84 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Academic Leadership-Pedagogy and Innovation-"The key to Future" Can Constructionism Become Successufl in India 978-1-312-60670-8 2014
85 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Proceedings of the UGC sponsored two day National Seminar on Academic Leadership-pedagogy and Innovation- The key to Future Rubrics as an Evaluation Tool in the Assessment of Student Teaching Internship 978-1-312-60670-8 2014
86 JACQUELINE KAREEM Reference book Academic Leadership-Pedagogy and Innovation Leadership Styles: How it differs among the Educational Leaders 978-1-312-60670-8 2014
87 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Teacher Effectiveness Relation to Job satisfaction,Interest and Professional ethics. 978-3-659-57711-6 2014
88 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Capacity building programmes for Teacher Educators Quality Education; The Teacher's role. 978-3-659-52567-4 2014
89 JOSE CHERIAN M Text book Capacity building programmes for Teacher Educators Parental Behavior and Academic Achievement of IX standard students of secondary schools in Srikakulam district 978-3-659-52567-4 2014
90 JACQUELINE KAREEM,SRIKANTASWAMY Reference book Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions-Criteria, Techniques and Issues Personal Commitment of Teachers explored 978-81-989178 2014
91 SMITHA BABOO,WILLIAM DHARMARAJA,YUVARAJ.T Conference Proceedings Cognitive Science in Education ---- 978-43-675489-3-7 2014
92 SMITHA BABOO,WILLIAM DHARMARAJA,YUVARAJ T Conference Proceedings Cognitive Science in India -- 9788182860148 2014
93 SUMITA RAO K Learning Environment for Excellence in Education 978-93-5137-293-6 2014
94 JACQUELINE KAREEM Reference book Emerging Trends & Innovation in Teacher Education 21 Century Teacher Educator 9789380731933 2013
95 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Gandhian Educational Principles and Practices for the emerging Global Scenario Professional Ethics in Education 978-81-923093-2-3 2013
96 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Issues and Challenges on Higher Education A Comparative approach on Integrated Education development of the differently-abled in India and USA 978-81-825-4197-6 2013
97 JACQUELINE KAREEM,MR. HENRY MARIS Reference book Global Education Methodologies & Strategies Are television exposure and academic achievement related? 97887912030968 2013
98 GRETA D SOUZA,KENNEDY ANDREW THOMAS,A N HENDRY MARIS,H G S ARULANDRAM Conference Proceedings Global Education Methodologies and Strategies Programme Effectiveness of Adolescence Education on Adolescents 9788192030968 2013
99 JACQUELINE KAREEM,SRIDEVI KV Reference book Universalization of Secondary Education: Prospects and Challenges Differences in Culture of School explored 978-81-924422-1- 2012
100 SUMITA RAO K Universalization of Secondary Education: Prospects and Challenges ICT based Social Sceince Learning 978-81-924422-1-1 2012
101 SUMITA RAO K Teacher Edcuation:Meeting the needs of the new generation Principles and Strategies of bringing constructivism into classrooms 978-81-923963-1-6 2012
102 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Universalisation of Secondary Education: Prospects and Challenges Computer Application by Secondary School Students 978-81-924422-1-1 2012
103 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Universalisation of Secondary Education: Prospects and Challenges Differences in the Culture of Schools Explored 978-81-924422-1-1 2012
104 JOSE CHERIAN M Text book Job Involvement of College Teachers 978-3-8454-1915-2 2012
105 GRETA D SOUZA Reference book Social Adjustment and Stress Management among B.Ed. Student Teachers Social Adjustment and Stress Management among B.Ed. Student Teachers 978-81-924180-1-8 2012
106 JACQUELINE KAREEM,REV. STANY D SOUZA Reference book Higher Education 2020' New strategies for empowerment and growth Are Academic Institutions Learning Organizations? 978-81-924180-1-8 2012
107 JOSE CHERIAN M Text book Teacher Empowerment for Quality Education:Trends and Challenges Classroom Assessment:An innovative technique of CIA 978-93-81876-40-4 2012
108 JOSE CHERIAN M Text book Teacher Empowerment for Quality Education Classroom assessment -An innovative technique of CIA 978-93-81876-40-4 2012
109 SUMITA RAO K Innovative Trends in Education Effectiveness of integrated DISCSAP Model in developing communication skills among secondary school students. 978-81-313-1668-9 2012
110 SUMITA RAO K Teacher Empowerment for Quality Education Relation between sociocultural environment and creativity of secondary school students 978-93-81876-40-4 2012
111 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Teacher Empowerment for Quality Education: trends and Challenges Classroom assessment An innovative technique of CIA 9789381876404 2012
112 SUMITA RAO K Synchronizing Psychological Principles and Technological Approaches in Teaching and Learning Attitude of teachers towards teaching profession in relation to teaching experience. 978-93-80624-64-8 2012
113 SUMITA RAO K Synchronizing Psychological Principles and Technological Approaches in Teaching and Learning Attitude of teachers towards teaching profession in relation to teaching experience. 978-93-80624-64-8 2012
114 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Innovations in Teaching, Research and Management in Higher Education? (ITRMH Ed 2012) Constructionism as a foundation for managing higher education ISBN 978-81-921324-0-2 2012
115 JACQUELINE KAREEM,THANGASAMY S Reference book Innovations in teaching, Research and Management in Higher Education Rediscovering Peer Teaching in Teacher Education 9788192132402 2012
116 SMITHA BABOO Case Report Dimensions of Violations and Victimizations Impact of Domestic Violence on Self Help Groups 978-93-81402-27-6 2012
117 GRETA D SOUZA Reference book ICT usage in Secondary Schools ICT usage in Secondary Schools 2230-7850 2012
118 GRETA D SOUZA Reference book English Language Teaching using Technology ICT Usage in secondary Schools English Language Teaching using Technology ICT Usage in secondary Schools 2230-7850 2012
119 PRAKASHA G S,H S JAYAMMA,DR. A. MERCY KUTTY Text book Education for Global Excellence Professional ethics scale for teacher educators 978-93-5067-101-6 2012
120 JACQUELINE KAREEM,DR. A. MERCYKUTTY Conference Proceedings Education For Global Excellence Performance Assessment: A Practice Teaching Rubric 9789350671016 2012
121 GRETA D SOUZA,JACQUELINE KAREEM,EDITORIAL BOARD Conference Proceedings Education for Global Excellence Performance assessment: A Practice Teaching Rubric 978 93 5067 101 6 2012
122 PRAKASHA G S,HR JAYAMMA Text book Teacher Effectiveness depends on Job satisfaction Teacher Effectiveness depends on Job satisfaction 978-3-8465-4698-7 2011
123 JOSE CHERIAN M Text book International Conference on Quality Enhancement in Distance Education for Life Long Learning Quality Assurance in Distance Education:Challenges and Strategies. 978-81-908078-7-6 2011
124 JACQUELINE KAREEM,M BALAMURUGUN Reference book Quality Enhancement in distance education for life long learning Enhancing self learning through effective design of self instructional materials 9788190807879 2011
125 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Quality Enhancement in Distance Education for Life-long Learning ICT in Distance Education 978-81-908078-7-6 2011
126 PRAKASHA G S Text book Diagnostic Testing in India Diagnostic Testing in India 978-3-8465-1825-0 2011
127 JACQUELINE KAREEM Reference book Individualized Learning and Cooperative Learning: An Experimental Study Individualized Learning and Cooperative Learning: An Experimental Study 3844305564, 9783844305562 2011
128 GRETA D SOUZA Text book Adolescence Education: The Programme Effectiveness of Adolescence Education on Teacher Trainees and Adolescents 978-3-8433-8616-6 2011
129 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Effective and Efficient Educational Strategies for the Differently Abled (ICEEESDA 2012) Effective and Efficient Educational Strategies for the Differently Abled (ICEEESDA ? 2012) 978-93-81101-02-5 2012
130 PRAKASHA G S Reference book Empowering Teachers ISBN 978-81-7286-745-4 2012
131 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Teacher-trainees achievement and attitude towards ICT 978-3-8443-1524-0 2011
132 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Higher Education 2020 New Strategies for Empowerment and Growth Social Adjustment and Stress Management among B.Ed. student-teachers 978-81-924180-1-8 2012
133 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book e-resources in Higher Education A Conceptual Discussion of Faster Sharing of Innovative Sharing Resources in the context of Globalization 9788190807890 2010
134 SAMSON R VICTOR Reference book Quality Concerns in Education ICT in Teacher Education 978-81-313-0687-1


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